Arrival in Mexico City. Reception at the Airport. Transfer to your Hotel. Rest of the day at leisure.


DAY 02: MEXICO CITY (City Tour)


Breakfast. Mexico City, one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, is home to a wealth of history and beauty awaiting your discovery. We’ll take you to the beautiful architectural monuments of the city, with elaborate styles and designs as unique as the times found represented in the historic city center. Visit the National Palace featuring beautiful murals painted by Diego Rivera (closed sometimes), Constitution Square (Central Plaza or “Zocalo”) and the Metropolitan Cathedral.

Then we’ll stop at an arts and crafts center followed by a tour of the Paseo de la Reforma. In addition to the main avenues, we’ll visit Chapultepec Park, one of the most important residential zones in the city.


DAY 03: MEXICO CITY (Tour to Guadalupe Shrine & Teotihuacan Pyramids)


After breakfast, start with a visit to the incredible pyramids of Teotihuacan, “the place where the Gods were born,” a place home to more than 2,500 years of history. This ceremonial center was vital in the development of textiles and natural fibers as well as the Obsidian Exchange. Visit the enigmatic archeological site, visiting the temples of “Quetzalpapalotl” (butterfly bird), the “Feathered Shells” and the Pyramid of the Moon, ending at the impressive Pyramid of the Sun.

Next we’ll visit Guadalupe Shrine, Mexico’s largest religious sanctuary that houses the venerated image in Mexico, the Virgin of Guadalupe. You will witness one of the most important religious and cultural expressions in Mexico as you visit the atrium and interior.




Breakfast. Transfer to the airport for your flight to Merida. Reception at the Airport. Transfer to your Hotel. Rest of the day at leisure.


DAY 05: MERIDA (Tour Uxmal and Kabah)


After breakfast, full day tour to visit Uxmal and Kabah archeological areas. First we will visit Uxmal ruins, one of the most popular ancient mayan cities. “Uxmal” in maya means “three times built”. Here the guide will explain in depth the Puuc architect style of buildings such as the Nun’s Quadrangle, the Ball court, the Turtle House and the Governor Palace. This Puuc style stand as a highly decorative and detailed one. It own its name to the Puuc hills located in the region. The Governor Palace is the most famous structure in Uxmal because it is the best example of the Puuc Style. It had been renowed as the most beautiful building in Mesoamerica

After our Uxmal tour you will explore the archeological site of Kabah, Mayan name wich means “lord of a strong hand”. Kabah is linked to Uxmal by a “sacbeh” or white road used for ceremonial purposes. Kabah is one of the stops of the Puuc Route and here you can find many structures with carved masks of the God Chaac, the important god of rain for the Mayans. Due to the absence of cenotes in this region Mayans had to build their own cisterns and prayed for rain to his God. Your last stop before you return to Merida will be a restaurant for a delicious regional meal.


DAY 06: MERIDA / (Tour to Chichen Itza archeological park) / CANCUN


Breakfast. Today we will pick you up early in the morning and drive 1.5 hrs southeast of the city of Merida to the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza. The name of Chichen Itza comes from the Mayan words: Chi (Mouth), Chen (hole or well) and Itza (Itza people). All together, these Mayan words means “At the mouth of the Well of the Itza people”. The visit will be leaded by an expert and knowledgeable guide, who will explain in detail about the beautiful architecture of the buildings and the way of living of the Mayan people.

Explore the main buildings of this ceremonial city standing as the masterpiece the Pyramid of Kukulkan, the largest and most important ceremonial building in the ancient city.

Walk over a “Sac beh” or white path used for ceremonial purposes to get to the Sacred Cenote, used for the worship of Chaac, the Mayan god of rain. This cenote was also considered by the Mayans as an entrance to the underworld.

In Chichen Itza you will also visit the Temple of the Thousand Columns, The Observatory, The Ball Court, other not at all less important buildings.

Then and after a long walk through the majestic Mayan city and new wonder of the world, you will enjoy a delicious Yucatecan food. After lunch we will transfer you to Cancun. Arrival, check in and accommodation.


DAY 07: CANCUN (Tour Tulum & Xel-Ha Eco Water Park)


After breakfast we will have a great combination of the Mayan history at Tulum, the only archaeological zone in the area with views of the sea, and the natural beauty of the Xel-Ha inlet, a natural aquarium ideal for snorkeling.

The ruins of Tulum are perched high atop a cliff, against the awe inspiring backdrop of the Caribbean Sea. This archaeological site is a one of a kind. Tulum flourished in late Post-classical times with buildings dating back to the 12th century. It was once an important trading port, one of the few Mayan cities still inhabited when the Spaniards arrived.

You will take a guided tour of the ruins to learn about the secrets of the Mayans. Your guide will point out important sites, explaining the historical significance of buildings such as the Castle, the Temple of the Masks and the God Chaac.

Then we will drive 20 minutes back toward Cancun, to the incredible natural aquatic theme park created by the Mayan gods themselves: Xel-Ha. This special place gathers the best of the Mexican Caribbean all in one place.

Enjoy nature through the crystal clear waters of this spectacular natural aquarium. An environment of creeks, lagoons, natural wells and ancient caves is fed by underground rivers flowing out to the beautiful Caribbean Sea. Explore the underwater world by snorkel to come face to face with exotic underwater flora and fauna such as curious rays and French Angel fish. Other activities include cliff diving, rope bridge walking, bicycling, kayaking, swim with the dolphins, scuba, underwater breathing bubble and much more!





Warm white powdery sand beaches and turquoise crystal clear waters together with the famous Mexican hospitality make this a place like no other. Enjoy 2 full days at leisure!




Breakfast. Check out and transfer to the airport.