Arrival in San Jose. Reception at the Airport. Transfer to your Hotel. Rest of the day at leisure.


Breakfast. Transfer to the Arenal Volcano. Along the way you will observe the scenic beauty of the many picturesque towns and villages and the agricultural farms of the region.

DAY 03: ARENAL VOLCANO (Hiking tour Arenal Volcano & Hot Springs

Breakfast. During the morning take advantage of the hotel facilities and amenities.

In the afternoon we include a hiking tour through Arenal Volcano National Park, where our naturalist guide will take you through rainforest trails for a nice and gentle hike to spot a big variety of diverse flora and fauna such as monkeys, toucans, wild turkeys, sloths, a big variety of birds and sometimes snakes. Arriving at the observation point just before sunset, where you will have the chance to hear and feel the deep rumbling that precedes occasional eruptions of steam, smoke and molten lava. At night, if it´s not cloudy, the show is even more stupendous as the mammoth volcano spews red lava and huge rocks glow against the black sky. While watching the volcano and taking pictures our tour guide will share some history and information about the area and the volcano´s activity. Then, we continue our way down to the exotic and relaxing hot springs nearby to sit back and relax in this soothing water that soaks away every aching muscle. Return to your hotel.


Breakfast. Transfer to the Monteverde Cloud Forest; experience the views of Lake Arenal and many typical communities of the country. Afternoon on your own to enjoy the amenities of the hotel.

DAY 05: MONTEVERDE CLOUD FORES (Tour Monteverde Cloud Forest and Canopy)

Breakfast. Today our nature guide will unveil the secrets of Monteverde Cloud Forest. We invited you to hike in 8 hanging bridges and 2 miles walk (3 Km), the tour will provide an opportunity to appreciate from the different perspective, the particularities of the cloud forest, unique in its kind.

Then we will participate in one of the most exciting adventures the Monteverde Cloud Forest has to offer, the Canopy where you will be able to fly over tree tops using our cables (11) and platforms (21) system. These cover up to 2133 feet (750m) in length and up to 197 feet (60m) in height.

Our canopy tours include the gigant “Tarzan Swing”, with 295 feet total height and a 148 feet free falling, exciting “Rappel”, “Swing Bridges” and the spectacular cable “Superman”.

Return to your hotel.


Breakfast. Transfer to Peñas Blancas. Reception at Peñas Blancas Border and transfer to San Jorge to take the ferry to Ometepe. Rest of day free.

DAY 07: OMETEPE (Tour to Maderas Volcano)

After breakfast, visit to the tourist sites Charco Verde, then continue to Maderas Volcano and his beautiful crater lake at the top and waterfalls on its slopes. Legend has it that this is the Promised Land of the pre-Columbian Olmec immigrants, who came down from Mexico during the ninth century.

DAY 08: OMETEPE (Tour to Mombacho Volcano) / GRANADA

Breakfast. Transfer to Granada. At the indicated tour to Mombacho Volcano, This volcano, situated within the Volcan Mombacho Natural Park, is 1400 meters high. It’s been extinct for many years now, and it is totally covered with vegetation. A rich ecosystem has grow over it that now house 50 species of mammals, 174 species of birds, 30 of reptiles and 750 species of flora. Here we will have a Canopy Tour. The Canopy Tour is along a distance of 700 meters and there are 17 platform for stop and see the birds and the monkeys. They are connected by a steel cable used for going to the successive platform. Those platform are ideal to admire the Volcan Mombacho and the Cocibolca’s valley. After the tour continue to Granada for overnight.

DAY 09: GRANADA (Tour Masaya Volcano)

Breakfast. Visit Masaya Volcano, one of Nicaragua’s most interesting and beautiful natural phenomena, is also known as Popogatepe meaning the “Mpuntain that burns” in the language of the indigenous Chorotega tribe. One of its craters, Santiago, currently displays gaseous activity and incandescent lava in its interior. The guided tour inside the park permits you to reach an active crater and to enjoy yourself with a very interesting view. You can also visit the museum of the park. Then continue to the craft market where it’s possible to find at a good price, food-stuffs and well made handicraft, especially pottery, articles in wood, leather, ceramics, hard stones and fabrics. Inside the chief market, you can find informal restaurants where you can taste typical.


Breakfast. Check out and transfer to the airport.